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WHERE IT ALL BEGAN 01.ONE WHO KNOWS PRICE OF EVERYTHING & VALUE OF NOTHING Nothing in my evil life so far suggests that I have had anything to do with fashion. I am the quintessential bean counter, a dweeb whose life revolves around structures, balance sheets, research and everything mundane you can imagine. To add a cherry on this nerd-cake that I am, my life partner is a cancer surgeon, whose best friends are medical podcasts & his youtube feed filled with the surgical videos which he for some reason finds utterly captivating. 02.BEAUTY SHOULD NOT BE AN END IN ITSELF Just because it looks beautiful, it is not a reason enough for me to wear it. To the bean counter in me, it has to make sense objectively. It has to enable me in my day to day life. It needs to accentuate my existence while staying in background. 03.SHE IS FASHION To my untrained mind, fashion is supposed to make me run if I was walking earlier. It needs to bring the real-me who is stunning, out in front of the world to see and acknowledge. 04.GOOD DESIGN IS BEAUTY AND UTILITY MERGING To my mind, beauty and efficiency are not mutually exclusive. They are byproducts of each other. Beauty is not an option, so is efficiency and utility. As thinking functioning human beings surrounded by so many colors and armaments at our disposal, it is our duty to imagine products that induce functional delight accompanied by beautiful, uplifting vision.
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