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After establishing their own web creation agency, they fell in love with the open source, democratic world of WordPress, and in 2016 they founded Elementor as a way to make the web creation experience more accessible to professionals like them. Today Elementor is the leading WordPress-based web creation platform, powering more than 7% of the internet with 10 million active installs. powering the web creation universe In the past 2 decades a new profession was born – the Web Creator. People who build the web page by page, taking their design, development or marketing skills and adding a new, web-focused layer to them. Elementor’s mission is to provide them with all the tools they need to build their websites, their businesses and their future. Rooted in the open source world of WordPress, and community-driven by design, Elementor is far more than just a visual editor – it is a platform for growth, collaboration and success.
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